Friday, May 30, 2008

A month or so of my life.

WOW, I actually have not written a post in over a month and I do apologize, for whatever reason, but there is nothing in my sad little life worth documenting. Actually, I'm just lazy. Well, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are finals and it's summer baby! WHOO! Well, I suppose I will recap the month. It was a good one. Ok. May 8th: the famous Eisley concert. Let me just say it was amazing and so was The Myriad and Vedera. Seriously a great line up. The same weekend was my cousin Greg's wedding. It was so nice. May 16: Prince Caspian opened and we sure made our way down to Town Square, did some shopping and watched it. I loved it more than the first while others did not. Then May 17-18: Yet another trip to Disneyland. I traveled to the happiest place on earth with Marissa Beckstead, Pam (her mom) as our chaperone, and Marissa's good friend Hannah Lee. That weekend was also Greenspun's eighth grade trip so I got to see my other school friends too. May 20: the annual Spring Orchestra concert. Sage and I preformed in this masterpiece disaster. Nah, actually it wasn't too bad, but the whole stress of it all is, well...stressful. (Hmm, I think I need to dig out the thesaurus.) May 22: my mama's birthday. It was a good one! She's like 70-somethin' now. Oh and my dad's birthday was sandwiched between the concert and Disneyland on the 14th. May 29: Greenspun awards night. two words: bore ing.

And now: I'm sitting here...writing this.

I'm sorry the punctuation is soo bad throughout this whole post and my mom will probably hunt me down with a butter knife but I'm just so lazy and I'm not changing. Sorry my dear mama.
***Note from the mama: As I began reading this post I was about two sentences in when I couldn't stand it anymore! I had to change all of Savannah's incorrect punctuation! It was only when I continued reading as I corrected that I discovered Savannah's prediction at the end. But, no butter knife necessary! I know the password for her blog. I did not change any of Savannah's wording or content (note that it still exaggerates that I am 70 something). And I am sure I missed something. Stop being so lazy, Savannah!!!***

This was a highlight of the show for us because Chauntelle rarely sings with the other girls and we love her voice. And this song.