Hello everyone. Let me just start by saying I suck at blogging. Ok. Now I dont know why I havent been posting because a lot has gone on. I went to Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm with my orchestra. It was great. I mean the themepark stuff. The actual tour was not. The back of a crowded coach bus, with sick perverted kids playing truth or dare behind you, you are feeling like you will puke out an organ or two and you are stuck in the desert some where between California and Nevada. Just picture this for moment. Oh I almost forgot about the little girl sitting behind me who thought that me in pain was hilarious and that she should spend every waking moment of the trip tormenting me and pulling my hair. Ok, now picture it. Fun. But really in the end it was more fun than not. I love my Disneyland but man Knott's was increadible. So fun. California Screamin' seems like a baby ride now. We only got six hours in Disney which was sad but, I got my churro and frozen lemonade so I was happy. Oh and I saw Push the taking trash can. He is my favorite.
The Xcelerator
This was one of my favorites at Knott's

This was one of my favorites at Knott's
Wow Savannah! You really went on that ride?! We will for sure have to go sometime. I would probably pee my pants though! I'm glad you had a fun time even though some of the kids were annoying. I love you!
Grandma E
I think Jims pants are still a little wet from when he rode this ride!!! Holy cow, I can't believe you went, thats awesome!
I hope you just put your headphones on when those kids were talking nasty. That makes me mad. You are never going on a school trip again! I'm sort of kidding. Sort of. We'll have to brave Knott's as a family one day.
Your mom may not like me telling you this, but next time you should punch somebody. Just kidding. That ride at Knotts looks amazing.
You saw the talking trash can? Man, I didn't even see him when we were there for a week! Haha. I totally understand what you said about kids in the bus talking nasty...the worst part is that there's no escape! You can't just...leave the bus! I'm sorry, but glad that you had fun!
-Natalie Murray
hey I got a blog! you should go and look at it:) Just ask me on Facebook what it is and I will give it to you
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