This was one of my favorites at Knott's
The place where I will write things
Posted by Right Now... at 3:43 PM 6 comments
Ok, so last night at about 4:20, or I guess it was this morning, I was awakened by the most annoying, loud, high-pitched sound. It was like the cha-chunk of a bell or something, but don't get the wrong idea here. Not like wedding bells or cathedral bells, like digital bells of agony. At first I thought I was dreaming and then I thought it was some kind of smoke alarm, and yes even when I thought it was a smoke alarm I just lay there on the couch like a lump. Scary. I heard my grandma say, "It's coming from this drawer!" My first thought was Oh crap, it's a bomb. I just know it's a bomb. I got up and saw my poor grandmother rummaging through the junk drawer in search of the mysterious and ever so annoying "bomb." When she located it she held it up and handed it to me. It was my fathers phone making the horrendous sound. I turned it off and gave it a dirty look. I decided I would not tell my dad that his alarm was going off and that would just serve as his punishment for waking up our guests. This morning I looked at his phone and re-listened to the "antelope chime" as the Blackberry calls it. It really wasn't as loud as it seemed at four in the morning. Still, quite annoying and good enough for me to write a blog about it.
Posted by Right Now... at 10:54 AM 3 comments