Well, here it is. Yes, I'm posting again and a little bit excited. This time it's for good. No more four month breaks for me! I'm going to start with what happened over the summer. I went up to Utah where I stayed with my aunt Maren. Maren and I, from there went to EFY at BYU. We stayed in a tiny student dorm with minimal to no air conditioning. It had two beds and a desk. Eight people shared a TINY bathroom in which you had to turn sideways to get to the toilet. I lived with twenty people I had never met for a week and I have to say it was one of the best things I have ever done. If you ever get to go or you get the chance to send your kiddos there, do it. It was great. I did feel very bad for everyone in my company because by the end of the week I smelled foul, I'm sure since I found only two occasions on which the shower was free and I had the time...nasty. I met some really awesome people and had some much fun going to dances and activities with my company. Yes, you read correctly. Dance. Savannah Elison went to a dance(it was required and not my choice). I will edit this when I get home and put some pictures on but i'm at school so I can't. Stay tuned!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
A month or so of my life.
WOW, I actually have not written a post in over a month and I do apologize, for whatever reason, but there is nothing in my sad little life worth documenting. Actually, I'm just lazy. Well, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are finals and it's summer baby! WHOO! Well, I suppose I will recap the month. It was a good one. Ok. May 8th: the famous Eisley concert. Let me just say it was amazing and so was The Myriad and Vedera. Seriously a great line up. The same weekend was my cousin Greg's wedding. It was so nice. May 16: Prince Caspian opened and we sure made our way down to Town Square, did some shopping and watched it. I loved it more than the first while others did not. Then May 17-18: Yet another trip to Disneyland. I traveled to the happiest place on earth with Marissa Beckstead, Pam (her mom) as our chaperone, and Marissa's good friend Hannah Lee. That weekend was also Greenspun's eighth grade trip so I got to see my other school friends too. May 20: the annual Spring Orchestra concert. Sage and I preformed in this masterpiece disaster. Nah, actually it wasn't too bad, but the whole stress of it all is, well...stressful. (Hmm, I think I need to dig out the thesaurus.) May 22: my mama's birthday. It was a good one! She's like 70-somethin' now. Oh and my dad's birthday was sandwiched between the concert and Disneyland on the 14th. May 29: Greenspun awards night. two words: bore ing.
And now: I'm sitting here...writing this.
This was a highlight of the show for us because Chauntelle rarely sings with the other girls and we love her voice. And this song.
Posted by Right Now... at 9:08 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This was one of my favorites at Knott's
Posted by Right Now... at 3:43 PM 6 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
A Dream? A Smoke Alarm? An Explosive Device?
Ok, so last night at about 4:20, or I guess it was this morning, I was awakened by the most annoying, loud, high-pitched sound. It was like the cha-chunk of a bell or something, but don't get the wrong idea here. Not like wedding bells or cathedral bells, like digital bells of agony. At first I thought I was dreaming and then I thought it was some kind of smoke alarm, and yes even when I thought it was a smoke alarm I just lay there on the couch like a lump. Scary. I heard my grandma say, "It's coming from this drawer!" My first thought was Oh crap, it's a bomb. I just know it's a bomb. I got up and saw my poor grandmother rummaging through the junk drawer in search of the mysterious and ever so annoying "bomb." When she located it she held it up and handed it to me. It was my fathers phone making the horrendous sound. I turned it off and gave it a dirty look. I decided I would not tell my dad that his alarm was going off and that would just serve as his punishment for waking up our guests. This morning I looked at his phone and re-listened to the "antelope chime" as the Blackberry calls it. It really wasn't as loud as it seemed at four in the morning. Still, quite annoying and good enough for me to write a blog about it.
Posted by Right Now... at 10:54 AM 3 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Wow, Two in One Day
Um, I am in love with this video. I mean one of my favorite singers, Sara Quin from Tegan and Sara, singing on The Reason's video. Dream come true. For real. And if you know me you know my insane and unhealthy obsession with music videos, so expect more of these type of things.
Posted by Right Now... at 8:26 PM 6 comments
Don't lose faith, my friends!
Well hello everyone. I know I haven't posted in a while and...I'm sorry? I don't know if thats what I should say. Today my poor father is slaving away, putting wood floors in my room which I am so super excited for. Vintage Chestnut. Even the name sounds cool. Man, you guys, my room may have looked clean but I'm telling you, I filled two and a half garbage bags full of stuff just from under my bed! Seriously disgusting.
Posted by Right Now... at 4:50 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Music and Food could be brothers

Well my friends, scary as it may sound, I have been spending a lot of time lately thinking about the similarities between music and food.
Posted by Right Now... at 11:21 AM 7 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Freaking Improv Everywhere is the Best Crap Ever!
If you don't know Improv Everywhere, they are a group of people who go around causing scenes and doing completely random things in public places. For example, one of our favorites is when 200 plus people went into Grand Central Station with their whatches synchronized and all froze in place for five minutes. Everyone started to freak out, well because there were hundreds of frozen people around Grand Central and it was really funny. Anyway, found one just put on Youtube just a few days ago. Check it out.
(there you go sister scott i posted)
Posted by Right Now... at 5:46 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Don't judge me!
OK! I have finally decided to post about my favorite things. Here it goes:
(By the way, they aren't in any order. I'm just listing them in the order I think of them.)
1. Superman. Superman is the best super hero ever and for all of you that would like to argue with me about that just email me. Really, I dare you.
2. The Office. I don't think this one needs an explanation.
3. Music. Don't worry. I'm not even going there again.
4. The Outdoors. Hiking, biking, rock climbing, you name it. I would rather be camping than staying in a resort. Yes, that's right, I would rather sleep on a dirty tarp than a king size feather bed, complete with a mint.
5. Disneyland. Who doesn't love Disneyland? I mean really. Everyday I long for its cobble-stoned streets filled with giddy children and the most divine churros this world has ever produced. Where there is no sadness and nothing bad can ever happen.
6. Eisley. Yes, they are a band and yes, I did already mention music. Eisley needs their own spot 'cause they just do. See, my friends, they are not just music. They are some pretty sweet people. I just love them and not just for their music. Their Headlining Tour is this spring and they are going to Salt Lake! Woo Hoo!
7. My Room. I don't know how many people know this but my room and I have a real close relationship. As soon as my room grows his legs we are getting married.
8. Creepy Stuff. Aliens, Ghosts, and Disappearances. Anything like that fascinates me. I can spend hours pouring over books about stuff like that. My life goal is first to see a ghost and second is to get a pilots licence before graduate from college.
9. Pranks. Not on me of course. I do love to see other people get pranked. Pranks are great as long as I'm participating or watching.
10. Mimes. No, actually I hate mimes. I just couldn't think of anything else.
Posted by Right Now... at 7:30 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Expressing my feelings toward music.(I can't believe I'm doing this)
Posted by Right Now... at 10:04 PM 6 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Why Writers, Must You Strike?

Why is The Office Lost?
Posted by Right Now... at 6:29 PM 6 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
My Life...is boring.
This is my first post and for some reason I am really nervous to be posting. I think im afraid that if I write about my life people will lose any respect for me that they had, if they had any. Wow, I don't think I'm off to a very good start. I guess I will just tell about myself. I am fourteen and I am in eighth grade. All I can say about eighth grade is that there is too much drama for my little brain to handle. It seems like all my friend want to talk about is this boy and that boy and this back-stabbing brat and that back-stabbing brat. And I just sit at lunch wishing that my friends would just let me play four square with the sixth graders.(they tell me if I do then people will think I'm a dork) I play the piano although, I hate piano theory and would rather print music off the internet and learn songs that weren't written who knows how many years before I was born. I also play the cello. I take private lessons,which I enjoy and am in my school's advanced orchestra. I also play the guitar,but no lessons. I tried that but prefered to just pick songs out by ear. Things I really like to do are to ride my bike and trek around the wash by our house. Probably what I like to do most though is listen and play music. If you know me well then you know that when I find a band or artist I really like, I become quite obssesive.
Oh gosh, I guess I'm just rambbling on and on now. Well I guess that's me in a nut shell. Oh, and I hate nuts.
Posted by Right Now... at 6:22 PM 8 comments